To the prostitute

I wrote this article when I was sitting down in Starbucks , I saw a girl with a white guy . No discrimation just rethink about the prostitutes I saw on the streets the other day .
I saw many girls on the street provide massage to the man that passing by , verbally is massage but you know what is the extra service provided next .
They are selling their body for money .
I always feel so sympathy to them , because they have to have sex with the man they don't love ...and the society today will judge them through their eyes , they are below the standard of living and they are the rubbish of the society , the reason of broken family .
Can you imagine what kind of life they are living in ?
It is a life that is dark and with no hope , I believe they have a strong guilt in their heart . Because they don't feel the love anymore , they don't feel the acceptance .
If they are so unlucky , they might get Aids , because the probability of getting Aids is high when they have a few sex couples . And how are them going to walk the rest of their life ?
They is always turning back ...
I hope they know they are loved by the God
Seek for the help , seek for proper job , because nothing is impossible .
Life is a marathon that requires us to run ...
hope this gives you hope to live on .
May God bless you .
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